Memorable experience in Japan. With sensual massage and Japanese technique.
To begin you can lay down on the surface with either your face up or down.Take the time to gently and gradually explore your body. Therapist can caress the areas surrounding your genitals.
After that therapist can rub testicles...
A sensual massage giving you an erotic feel pleasure.
Sexual intercourse is NOT included in that.
60min 20000 Japanese yen (200USD)
90min 25000 Japanese yen (250USD)

Intimate relaxation giving pleasure through sensual massage
Japanese massage,Body to body massage,Healing touch,Happy ending by hand.
Perfect for anyone who's in need of a little love.
60min 20000 Japanese yen (200USD)
90min 25000 Japanese yen (250USD)

Designed for travelers who fly several hours locked in one sitting position. Carry heavy bags ... feel jet lagged or exhausted.
Your tourist massage session will focus on the most affected parts of the body.
60min 20000 Japanese yen (200USD)
90min 25000 Japanese yen (250USD)

Therapist wears lingerie during massage.
60min 20000 Japanese yen (200USD)
90min 25000 Japanese yen (250USD)

After a long flight body can get swollen/stiff from sitting for long hours. To reset your body clock and ease stiff and some muscles,get jet lag cure massage.
A soothing massage will help your nervous system and recover body's internal balance.
60min 20000 Japanese yen (200USD)
90min 25000 Japanese yen (250USD)

Quieten your mind,nourish your skin and release tension with this deeply relaxing aroma therapy treatment,using the finest quality oils to relax,detoxify or energize,depending on your needs.
60min 15000 Japanese yen (150USD)
90min 20000 Japanese yen (200USD)

Used to release chronic patterns of muscular tension,this massage uses slow strokes,direct pressure,or friction usually on a focused problem area.
The movements are directed across the grain of the muscles. This is applied with greater pressure and at deeper layers of the muscle than the traditional massage.
60min 15000 Japanese yen (150USD)
90min 20000 Japanese yen (200USD)

This massage aims to relax your muscles. The therapist applies pressure to your muscles and rubs in the same direction as your blood flows.
The therapist stimulates the blood in the area by using hands,fingers,elbows to knead,stroke and tap the area.
60min 15000 Japanese yen (150USD)
90min 20000 Japanese yen (200USD)